Friday, November 06, 2009

Marathon completed

It's been a couple weeks since I did it, but I thought I'd brag a little bit here.  I finished a marathon.

It was my goal to just finish one before I die.  So about 6 months ago I paid the entry fee for the Amsterdam Marathon.  I had at that moment not been running at all, just cycling once or twice a week.

6 months of pretty serious training, and I did it.  I overtrained in the last 3 weeks (very stupidly) and my knees locked up with IT Band issues.  But, still I finished the entire 42.195km (26 miles). So, for that I'm proud of myself. 

image from Flickr..

Now I have to sign up for another marathon so I can finish one in what I feel is a "respectable" time.

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